My Wheel

Yes No Picker

What Is Yes No Picker Wheel?

This Yes or No Wheel is a random yes or no generator. It is a decision wheel tool focusing on yes or no answer. It is a specialized spinner derived from, also known as Yes No Picker Wheel.

By just clicking the "SPIN" button, you will get a yes or no at the end of the spin. It helps you to make a decision quickly.

There are 2 input modes available for this Yes No Picker Wheel: "yes no" and "yes no maybe" inputs.

How to Use It?

You can use this yes or no generator whenever you want. All you need to do is to spin the wheel and get the result. This way you don’t have to rely on any other people.

  • Educational use: Randomly select students for participation or activities.
  • Business promotions: Choose winners for giveaways or contests.
  • Personal decisions: Decide on meals, activities, or other personal choices.
  • Work settings: Determine the order of speakers in meetings.
  • Fun and games:
    • Use it as an n-sided dice for board games or role-playing games.
    • Use it to assign teams or pairs for games and activities randomly.
    • Use it to select challenges or dares in party games.
    • Use it to choose songs for karaoke sessions or dance-offs.
    • Use it to select pairs for Secret Santa gift exchanges.

Why use a wheel of names in these settings?

  • The wheel is unbiased.
  • It makes random selection exciting, fun, and transparent if you show the wheel to the audience.